Thursday, November 4, 2010


congratulations to my sweet friend sandra anderson!!!
my wonderful friend shay introduced me to sandra a few years ago. shortly after that she was in a sledding accident that left her paralyzed and in a wheelchair. i can not even begin to imagine the struggles, and the hard times she has endured since her accident. but i do know this...sandra is an amazingly strong, sweet, loving and beautiful woman...inside and out.
on tuesday november 2nd, sandra was a contestant in the ms wheelchair utah pageant. i was so excited to hear that she was doing this. she came into the salon a few days before to get her hair colored and cut for the big night!! i really wanted to be there for her (it was on a school night!!) and to see and hear the other incredible stories of the others. i asked sandra what her talent was and she said that it was a surprise. she wrote and sang a beautiful song. i watched it on line and it brought tears to my eyes as i am sure it did to everyone watching. (she told me she would give me my own private performance...yay me!!!) i couldnt wait to hear all the details about her big night. i got on facebook the next morning and looked at her page.
wahoo!!! i was so excited and happy for her. i could barely write a comment because i had huge tears in my eyes!!! (check out my comment...the very first word is misspelled!!) i am so proud of this amazing woman, and her accomplishments!! i can not wait to follow her through out the next year as she shares her beautiful story and message to so many people!!
sandra, you truly are an inspiration to me and so many others.
i am proud and blessed to call YOU my friend!!
good luck to you all you do in life!!!


Sandra Anderson said...

Keri you are such a sweetheart. These kind words have made my day! It has been so much fun getting to know you over the next few years and building such a great friendship. Thanks for all of your love and support and helping me get all beautiful for the pageant. I sure love you. Let me know when you want that private concert :)

Deena said...

That is so cool! From what Shay says she has triumphed over so much! She really does sound amazing! I am so excited that she won. While at USU I knew a woman who had been Ms. Wheelchair Utah...she was so amazing so I can only imagine what Sandra is like. YAY SANDRA!