Saturday, December 13, 2008

quote of the week by cindy

my friend cindy posted this and i hope she won't mind that i copied it to my blog...i loved it so much and i wanted to share it with all my 'blog' friends

"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."
~Calvin Coolidge

I was trying to find a good Christmas quote for this week and stumbled upon this one. I loved it. And it is so true. Why is it that every Christmas, we are more generous, more kind, more patient? At least it seems that way sometimes during this oh-so-over-commercialized thing that warrants a "Happy Holidays" on every retail store sign rather than "Merry Christmas." I believe this. As we celebrate the birth of Christ during this season, it is only appropriate, and best, to celebrate His life all year. He certainly isn't just available to us during the Christmas season, and we should show our love and gratitude to Him for His life and sacrifice throughout the entire year. That truly is the real spirit of Christmas. To remember that this season is not really about lights and trees, packages and bows, or chocolates and fruit cake. It's about remembering He who lived and died so that we can have eternal life. And how should we thank Him? By keeping the Christmas spirit all year long. So, in January, when the tree is gone, the toys are broken or lost, the Christmas music has been shelved for another year, remember the season. Remember how you were extra nice to that waitress or the cashier at the toy store. Remember all the donations you gave to those in need. Remember all the time you spent with loved ones. And keep the spirit alive.

don't you love it too??!! thanks again cindy!!!

1 comment:

Cindy G said...

Oh, I'm so glad I inspired you! :-) I'm glad that we can share with each other on our blogs. I feel like I know you so well, but when we only talk every few months, we miss out on a lot.

ps - I'm loving my hair. Thanks!

Merry Christmas!!!!