Thursday, July 22, 2010

forty is fabulous...

i am trying to get caught up on my blog. nothing exciting happened all winter and now there is so much to blog birthday for one!!!
if you know me well you know i love birthdays... i think everyone should love their birthday!! it is a very special day! so this year i turned the big four-oh!!!
i celebrated with mike and friends at cafe sabor. my big day was actually on fathers day so mike and i celebrated together with family. it was great!! my birthday
present was a new camera...i have wanted one for a long time. now i
just need to learn how all the bells and whistles work.
thank you so much to my family and friends for a very great birthday...especially my incredible husband!!!
cheers to being 40!!!

birthday kisses from my honey!!

cant have a birthday dinner at cafe sabor with out the sombrero!!! i was going to give you all 40 fabulous facts, but i cant think of that many!!! hey...what facts do you know???

remember...celebrate your birthday...
it is your day and you deserve a ParTy!!!!

1 comment:

Deena said...

Oh's creeping up on me fast. Glad your birthday was deserve it!